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Amsel, animated!
It's been a while since I've done my last filmed interview, as the past two months I've been focusing on the soft launch of the Indiegogo...
Dec 19, 2016

Cleaning up images...
For months I've wrestled with the ongoing process of finding the best possible images of Richard Amsel's artwork for use in the film....
Nov 26, 2016

We'll be giving away a limited color print of an early Amsel sketch of Marilyn Monroe, to one lucky Indiegogo backer. Just join our...
Nov 22, 2016

The INDIEGOGO campaign...
And so it begins -- our crowdfunding campaign through INDIEGOGO, in partnership with FRACTURED ATLAS. While I've already done over 20...
Nov 18, 2016

The INDIEGOGO campaign...
And so it begins -- our crowdfunding campaign through INDIEGOGO, in partnership with FRACTURED ATLAS. While I've already done over 20...
Nov 18, 2016

The Papillon flies...
However successful Amsel was in his career, he still had to fight for every job -- and he lost a number of them. Many of his unused...
Nov 3, 2016

The Papillon flies...
However successful Amsel was in his career, he still had to fight for every job -- and he lost a number of them. Many of his unused...
Nov 3, 2016

Hidden in plain sight...
My previous post mentioned the challenges I've had in trying to locate quality reproductions of Amsel's work for inclusion in the film,...
Oct 28, 2016

One of the biggest challenges I've had for both the website and the forthcoming film is finding quality images that...
Oct 22, 2016

One of the biggest challenges I've had for both the website and the forthcoming film is finding quality images that...
Oct 22, 2016

David Edward Byrd: an "old hippie" forever young at heart
"There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met.” Such was a lyric by the great Paul Williams, and it dances inside my head...
Oct 14, 2016

David Edward Byrd: an "old hippie" forever young at heart
“There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met.” Such was a lyric by the great Paul Williams, and it dances inside my head...
Oct 14, 2016

Bob Esty - Disco Citizen
Last November, shortly before the documentary was announced, I interviewed legendary songwriter and music producer Bob Esty in his West...
Sep 22, 2016

David Layton - lone survivor
I first heard from David Layton back in 2012, when he reached out to me through my Amsel Appreciation site. Layton is a successful...
Sep 20, 2016

Mark Raats - Carrying the torch of illustration
One of the great joys I've had with this project is the opportunity to meet and befriend extraordinary people, many whose work I've long...
Sep 11, 2016

Amsel's unused art for CUBA
I've tried for years to find a good quality color image of Amsel's unused art for the 1979 Sean Connery thriller, CUBA. The best thus far...
Sep 5, 2016

Sam J. Jones - with a mighty hand, a mighty heart
It was on my birthday that I received a personal email from Sam J. Jones, responding to my request to interview him about Richard Amsel's...
Aug 29, 2016

Status updates...
There's been an obvious lack of updates to this site as of late, as most of my free time has been spent doing interviews for the...
Aug 4, 2016
New trailer for "24x36", a documentary about movie posters!
Behold, the new trailer for 24X36: A Movie About Movie Posters -- Kevin Burke's documentary on movie poster art! Hard to believe it was...
Aug 4, 2016
New trailer for "24x36", a documentary about movie posters!
Behold, the new trailer for 24X36: A Movie About Movie Posters -- Kevin Burke's documentary on movie poster art! Both David Edward Byrd...
Aug 4, 2016

David J. Negron: In the tradition of the masters
Contrary to the modern trends of digital painting, there are some artists who carry on the classical tradition, painting with the same...
Jul 31, 2016

Paul Shipper: The new generation
Throughout the past year, everyone I had interviewed for the film was more or less a contemporary of Richard Amsel, including close...
Jul 24, 2016

Mike Salisbury: Like a Rolling Stone
"I've done it all," answers Mike Salisbury, after I sheepishly ask him to describe himself. The man's not kidding. This is the guy who...
Jul 17, 2016

Project updates
After fits and starts, the momentum of the film seems to finally be rolling, and I'm happy... Happy that I can collaborate with people...
Jul 13, 2016
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