Dec 30, 2020New "INDYCAST" PodcastOver the years I've done a few interviews for "THE INDYCAST" podcast to discuss the Richard Amsel website and documentary. The podcast is...
Dec 29, 2020HE SHOOTS, HE DRAWS PODCASTThe first of these interviews was with DAVE CLAYTON, for his podcast “HE SHOOTS, HE DRAWS”. It’s easily the most detailed and candid convers
Jun 16, 2017HUFFPOST Article: Peak, Amsel, and StruzanI first remember seeing Erik Sharkey, the director of the wonderful documentary DREW: THE MAN BEHIND THE POSTER, when the film screened...
May 28, 2017The Life and Legacy of Bob PeakThe poster dates back to the early 19th century, and since its early days with the work of Henry Toulouse-Latrec, it has continually...